The downspouts in a gutter system play an important role because they make sure water drains efficiently. The general rule about placing downspouts is that you need one for every 25 to 35 linear feet of gutter. The maximum gutter length between downspouts is 40 feet. If you’re in a high-capacity situation due to either roof pitch or rainfall levels, adding extra downspouts can boost your gutter’s drainage capacity.
You should also install downspouts so that they are positioned to move rainwater away from your home’s foundation. Downspouts that do not adequately drain away from your home’s foundation will eventually cause water to seep into your basement and foundation. If you’re unable to place downspouts in a way that directs water away from your home’s foundation, you may need to utilize gutter extensions.
Sizing Downspouts for K-Style Gutters
If your roof’s square footage requires , you’ll need a 2-inch by 3-inch downspout. That creeps up to a 3-inch by 4-inch downspout for 6-inch gutters. It’s necessary to create custom downspout solutions for gutters wider than 6-inches that are being installed to address excessive pitch or rainfall levels.
Sizing Downspouts for Half-Round Gutters
Round downspouts come in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-inch diameters. These downspouts are also available in a variety of colors to match your home. Contractors typically provide guidance on how to choose the right size based on the specifics of a home’s roofing system. The 6-inch option generally works best for most homes.